The Nordic freelance organisations

The freelance journalists in the Nordic countries share common interests and challenges. Freelancers can gain on the Nordic freelance cooperation by sharing information and good practices. The aim is to strengthen our international co-operation to help us solve problems and make life easier for freelancers in all the member countries. 

Nordic freelance organisations, within the journalist unions of each country, will use the Nordic Freelance Cooperation as a common platform to meet challenges and to develop joint strategies. The work is organised by the Nordic Committee, which meets regularly, a minimum of 6 times per year. The highest decision-making body, the Top Meeting, meets once a year. The Nordic freelance organisations also arrange a Nordic freelance seminar each year, in one of the member countries. 

The Nordic freelance organisations are: 

Nordic Committee members 2016-2017:

Anette,  (secretary), NJ Frilans, NORWAY

Ingrid (vice-secretary), freelance ammattiosasto (FAO), FINLAND

Morten, FreelanceGruppen, DENMARK

Victoria da, Frilans Riks, SWEDEN

Juhavaltteri,  Suomen freelance journalistit (SFJ)  FINLAND